"The #1 health & fitness experts for men 40+"
FOR MEN 40+: Just 7 Days to More Energy, Flatter Stomach, Better Digestion,
Better Sleep... and the first steps towards a healthier, happier life.
52,216+ Busy Men Have Taken Control of Their Health!
Will YOU Be Next?
By Enrolling in This Challenge I am Committed to Completing the 7 Day Challenge. I WILL Take Control of My Health & Life for Me, My Family, & The Countless People Who Rely on Me.
As Seen On:

Do you want to flip a complete 180 in your health in just 7 days? It all starts right here...
What would you accomplish if you had a "Perfect Week"? Nailed your nutrition... nailed your workouts... nailed your sleep... and nailed your hydration?
All the stuff you know how to do... but just aren't sure how to stay consistent with
it all?
This Challenge will give you the tools to have your very own, customized, Perfect Week.
After this challenge, you'll know exactly how it feels to "do it right"

Full Disclosure: we're giving it all to you in this Challenge. Why? Because once you feel the difference in your mind and body, I know you'll want to join our full program. The same program that helped 40,000+ normal guys like you in their 40's, 50's, and 60's get into the best shape of their lives and stay there.
Dads Over 40 Can Lose 7 Pounds In A Week…
52,216+ Busy Men Have Taken Control of Their Health!
Will YOU Be Next?
By Enrolling in This Challenge I am Committed to Completing the 7 Day Challenge. I WILL Take Control of My Health & Life for Me, My Family, & The Countless People Who Rely on Me.
Here's what to expect:

Day 0 - Pre-Game:
Make sure you're 100% prepared to have your "Perfect Week" with this one simple, 5 minute assignment.

Day 1 - The Perfect Morning:
How to start your day off right, no matter what your schedule, work, or life throws at you.

Day 2 - Perfect Sleep:
Poor sleep causes you to gain weight, lose muscle, lower testosterone, increase stress, and even trigger early aging... here's how to fix it for good.

Day 3 - Perfect Nutrition:
How to start your day off right, no matter what your schedule, work, or life throws at you.

Day 4 - Perfect Workout:
Learn the ultra-fast, injury-safe workout that Fit Father's do to maximize their muscle gain and fat loss in no time.

Day 5 - Perfect Snacking:
How to love life while gaining muscle and losing fat... and navigate life's twists and turns to make sure you're always on the right track.

Day 6 - The Perfect Pain-Free Body:
How to stay injury-free, how to fix old injuries fast, and how to always be "combat ready".

Day 7 - The Perfect Month... Perfect Year... and Perfect Fit Father Life
Ready to lose up to 7lbs in 7 days?
52,216+ Busy Men Have Taken Control of Their Health!
Will YOU Be Next?
By Enrolling in This Challenge I am Committed to Completing the 7 Day Challenge. I WILL Take Control of My Health & Life for Me, My Family, & The Countless People Who Rely on Me.
Here's why this is
for YOU:
- If you've tried every dang diet, program, course, or gimick to lose weight, but you've just lost the same 10-20lbs over and over again... this is for you.
- If you've got injuries, medical issues, unique concerns or life situations that make it harder to lose the extra weight and put on muscle... this is for you.
- If you're over 50 and you haven't had the body you want for decades... this is for you.
- If you're tired of screwing up, giving up, or not getting the answers you need for your health... this is for you.

Because I've dedicated my entire life and medical career to helping fathers over 40 get into the best shape of their lives. This 7 Day "Perfect Week" Challenge is the first step I can show you to the proven methods that work for all my patients and clients.
It's the foundation. You can use this Challenge to turn your life around, and it can happen fast.
But with that said...

Who this is NOT for:
- If you're looking for a magic pill that will give you an instant six pack... good luck, you won't find that here. This Challenge requires your participation.
- If you're already planning to fail... this isn't for you. Approach this challenge with an open, curious mind. Take
what's useful. Discard what isn't. - If you're unwilling to change a single thing about your current situation... this definitely isn't for you. Your current actions have produced your current results... new results will require new actions.
For FREE, I'm going to give you my absolute best.
You'll be able to take this Challenge and turn your life around in just 7 days.
Drop The Gut. Boost Your Energy. In Just 7 Days...
52,216+ Busy Men Have Taken Control of Their Health!
Will YOU Be Next?
By Enrolling in This Challenge I am Committed to Completing the 7 Day Challenge. I WILL Take Control of My Health & Life for Me, My Family, & The Countless People Who Rely on Me.
What you'll learn in the 7 Day Challenge
is easy-to-follow & sustainable.
If you're the type of guy who is looking for a
PROVEN, SIMPLE, & EASY-TO-FOLLOW way to get started
on your fat loss journey, join the 7-Day Challenge now:

52,216+ Busy Men Have Taken Control of Their Health!
Will YOU Be Next?
By Enrolling in This Challenge I am Committed to Completing the 7 Day Challenge. I WILL Take Control of My Health & Life for Me, My Family, & The Countless People Who Rely on Me.